Friday, February 20, 2009


1. An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.

I've never been one to deal with pain in a 'normal' way. I'm terrified of car accidents, ambulances, cuts, basically everything thats related to being in pain at all.

I'm extremely emotional. I'll cry in TV shows, Movies, heck, even music videos. So when I was eleven, I NEEDED to find some way to vent this pain and anger. Thats when I started writing. I thank God every day for giving me a healthy outlet for all my emotions, because without writing
I don't know if I'd be alive. I actually recently started writing on my wall- mom was NOT too happy about that! But, I can't help it. Its an overwhelming feeling of relief after I write.

"we are writers. thats what we do. writing is our natural God-given ability to let anger out."-Kendyl

Today driving with my mom, we ran into an accident. Reminder- I live in a TINY town in Minnesota, so accidents are a big deal because chances are- you know the person. The accident was actually in front of the store where my brother was working at the time. He said two girls from my highschool ran in crying and screaming "CALL 911." -then, me being so emotional instantly started bawling. They called, and my uncle (who also works there, his father-in-law owns the store) ran out and started pulling people from the car and doing CPR. Now I dont know what else has happened to those people- but I'll update as soon as I do.

With that being said, I truly believe that everything can change in a moment. So you need to thank God for blessing you with all you have because you could blink, it could be gone.


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